Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mini Biking at the Church

Ok so whos gonna kill me first. I know somebody is gonna complain about me taking the boys on the mini-bike. But you have to look at how excited they are and how much fun they really had. And to be completely honest, I don't care if you get mad about it. We had fun. Check em out.
Time to get him a 50cc.???
Me and Noah ripping the parking lot

Bryce having a blast!!!

He didn't want to leave it.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jumping around

We set up the bounce house for the boys last week. We figured we better take advantage of the sun before it goes away for the next 6 months! The boys had so much fun jumping together. It so cute because Bryce is starting to really have a good time with the bounce house, well when Noah isn't teasing him:):)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ben and his boys!

We all know how much Ben likes to make things go faster. After the success of Noah's powerwheel he figured "why stop there?" Yep, he moved on to Bryce's GoCart. Noah was so excited to help Dad make his brothers car go faster he could hardly wait. So Dad, Noah and Bryce all spent the day outside working on "the project." Soon after lunch they were done, however Noah is the only child that wrote the high powered GoCart!!! Here are some pictures, ENJOY!!!

4th of July

4th of July 2007

We had a huge Bar-B-Que at the house and everyone had a blast. It was almost like a mini block party. Threw down some Chicken on the smoker and all the fixings. Tons of fun.
Our friend Huggy with Ben and the boys

Ben you got something in your teeth???

Daygen, Taylie,Noah and Jayden getting ready to grab cake when the parents look the other way.

Bryce is so camera happy. What a cute smile.

Ben and the boys. Don't they look so cute.

Giving it a try

Ok here we go....I'm finally giving in and giving blogging a try. My SIL starting doing this awhile ago, I just love being able to log on and see whats going on with them. I also know some friends that are starting this up. I think it will be awesome being able to post whats new with us and recent pictures without having to send emails out to everyone. This is a joint effort, Ben and I will both be taking turns posting. So please be patient, Im sure it will take some time to get the hang of things:)