Sunday, September 27, 2009


We are week 3 of Noah's 1st outdoor Soccer. While outdoor is much different then indoor we are having a good time with it. Its so cute to see Noah with all his buddy's from school and pretty strange to walk around hearing kids yell Noah's name, especially the girls.....
Noah is having a great time but still pretty shy with it all. He was much more outgoing with indoor Soccer but like I said outdoor is a lot different. I think a few kids are confused and think it's Football or some sort of new tackle Soccer, and some just like to cry, A LOT. We used to feel pretty bad for these kids but now Ben and I think it's kinda funny. They stand on the field crying their eyes out not moving while their parents are yelling to keep going. I think they are done.... Noah loves defending the goal more then anything. His coaches are great and have nothing but great things to say about Noah, which is super nice. Poor Bryce has to sit bored out of his mind for an hour but does pretty good with it. I need to remember to pack things for him the night before since all of our games are at 8:30 and I just forget in the mornings.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday's Soccer events. Yesterday was also pictures and I'm a little upset that we spent a small fortune on pictures when I'm super happy with ones we took. The team picture was the highlight of the day, it took a little while and you should be able to tell why :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fast Foward

WOW its been almost a month again since my last post. I guess this is what happens when you have kids in school and sports, a husbands work schedule that is all over the place, running events to keep in line, a social schedule of your own to keep on top of and being pregnant. But I promise to try and get better at this.

My Dad came and went, we had a blast and like I said before we did a ton of stuff. Our BBQ on Saturday turned out great and everyone had a great time. Lots of new faces showed up which was alot of fun as well. I will start to post some pictures from our time together.

My Mom has also come and gone. Her visit went way too fast and was much needed. It was awesome having her here to help out with the boys and give me a much needed break. The boys loved having Grandma do everything for them as much as she loved doing it. We tried to do as much as possible but with Noah starting school and Soccer it got kinda hard. Ben was in Boston for most the week so he wasn't around too much. We were able to get a few things in and can't wait for her next visit with us. Grandma also got educated in Asthma since Noah was having breathing troubles for most the week. She even got to take a trip to the Doctor which ended in both boys getting flu shots. Good times :)

Noah is loving School, which is a huge relief. We have our 1st Parent/Teacher Conference coming up in the next week so we will soon find out how he is doing. He is making lots of new friends but seems to only really talk about the girls. He seems to be learning a lot already which has been fun for us. It does seem like he has grown so much this last month, he is so funny.

Poor Bryce still isn't in School yet. I know, I know. He is ready and talks about it all the time but I'm having a hard time with it. He just seems so little to me still and I'm not sure I'm ready to let him go. So its a totally "me" issue that I need to get over and just send him. The Preschool is ready for him and can't wait for him to show up. He is also going to start indoor Soccer soon and that should be lots of fun.

Ben schedule shows no relief in site. He took a few days off to spend with us which was AWESOME! But he is getting ready to head West soon. I'm super excited for him but also very jealous that he gets to go to Oregon for a whole week. Our friend Mike just happens to be going to the same Conference so they will be together causing trouble with some other friends as well. They should have a great time.

As for Mom, I'm doing pretty good. I'm almost 20 weeks along now and she is really starting to move around in there. And yes I said SHE, I still can't believe it. We found out Monday that we are having a little girl. I'm nervous but super excited at the same time. Ben is just thrilled and can't wait for her to get here. The boys are excited as well, it took Noah a little bit to come around but he is jazzed now. Bryce talks about his sister all the time to everyone. Its pretty darn cute.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Where has the month gone? Lots of things going on here to play catch up with. My Dad has been in town for the last 3 weeks and doesn't leave till Monday. We have had such a blast with Grandpa here. The boys were a little concerned with his cast at 1st but that went away real quick. We have done so much these last few weeks my head is still spinning. We have toured NH, MASS, ME, taken a weekend road trip to Vermont, BBQ, found some pretty fun little restaurants around, drove some more, and have shopped lots!! Its been crazy. On top of that Noah started school yesterday and we had lots of meetings leading up to that. Bryce will not start till October some time (due to Mom not wanting to let him go) Ben has spent a week in Boston for training, longs nights at work, a few over nights due to tropical storms and hurricanes, and will be back in Boston in a few weeks for another week. This time he will be staying there due to the long days. Good thing my Mom will be here to help me with adjusting to Noah's 1st full week of school. YEAH FOR MOMS! Noah also has Soccer starting up next week. His 1st practice is on Thursday and we are oh so lucky that we pulled every 8:30am game every Saturday till November. On top of that we are gearing up for Ben's running schedule as well, he has a hand full of races that he is going to do this Fall. I'm going to sit at the finish line with a bag of chips or something :).

As for me and the baby we are doing great! I'm almost 17 weeks along now. I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday that I was scared to tell everyone. But now it's almost time to find out if we are having a boy or girl!!! That's right 3 weeks till my US appt. We are still on the fence if we will find out the sex of the baby but I have a feeling we will give in. The boys have started going to the appts with us and they love it. Bryce can't wait to hold the baby and Noah can't wait to "teach" him all about babies. My belly is starting to grow and the boys love to point out how big its getting. I love it! I'm starting to feel little flutters here and there but no big movements yet. My belly seems to be bigger at night and Bens face lights up to see it grow. I love that too.

So we have been pretty busy but we are all doing great!! Ben has a "project" to attack Saturday, I will post pictures for that later. And Sunday we are planning a pretty big BBQ here at the house. As of last night my tally was up to 20 people. Still not sure how that happened? It should be a great time!!