Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Morning

OK so its New Years Eve and I just realized I haven't posted any Christmas morning pictures. We had a wonderful Christmas. It was quite but very nice. We all stayed in our PJ's most the day since we had no where to go and nobody coming over. We watched movies and played all day long. Some friends of ours came over later that night and the boys flew their Helicopters.

The boys had a blast waking up to realized Santa had been here. It was funny because Noah almost forgot that Santa came. We had to remind him before we went down the hall. Of course Noah just ripped threw everything like an old pro. And I was very surprised how well Bryce caught on. He ripped the paper off and would sit their waiting for Dad to open the box. He was a bit traumatized by the end and did some crying. He would get so excited to play with what he opened but we would set it aside to give him another to open. After it was all done he was overwhelmed with all the new toys and didn't know which one to play with. So of course he walked from toy to toy crying. But hands down the best moment was when we opened Tickle Me Elmo. He was so excited for Elmo then he started rolling around laughing. Scared the crap outta him. He ran behind Ben screaming!!! But he soon warmed up to Elmo and loves him now.

Next year will be a lot different and we are looking forward to it. Who knows where we will be living but we do know that we are having a very special Grandma joining in on the fun:) And who knows maybe we will have another one on the way by then too!!!!

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