I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats waiting to hear so here it is, WEINGUT P.J. VALCKENBERG~ Dry Riesling. And no I can not say it out load. I just call it that "new good wine" and my awesome husband knows what I'm talking about. Something about these German wines that I have really been enjoying. If you haven't tried Relax it's another good one. And to most I'm sure I sound like to "typical stay at home mom" who puts the kids to bed at night and drinks wine. Why do people always think that cause I stay at home? You wouldn't believe how many times I get that. Especially living out here. I'm the only stay at home mom in the neighborhood and it was quite the shock to everyone here. Why is it so hard to believe I want to stay home with my boys who bring me so much joy every minute of the day? Which brings up the point that most my friends that enjoy wine as much as do are working woman so I don't get it? Anyways totally off the subject. Shae you must try this, I think I like it better the Eola Hills. I know that's a bold statement!
Okay enough wine talk. Yesterday was my Friday and today as been a late start. It's 10 o'clock and I haven't showered yet. The boys and I did some cleaning this AM. Well Noah and I, poor Bryce hasn't picked up on the cleaning thing yet. Hopefully soon. So laundry is done, floors are mopped, bathrooms are clean, boys are feed and kitchen is cleaned. Now off to get me and the boys dressed. We are heading up to Baby Gap today. I have been stressing about winter clothes. Neither one of the boys have anything for the snow and it's coming fast. But Gap has lots of snow stuff out so we are going to start stocking up. How much snow stuff do you really need? Anyone with any input on that would be great!
Oh yeah SURVIVOR starts tonight!!! YIPEE!! Tequila lime turkey breast with some sides for dinner if anyone wants to head on over.
okay after ready some reviews on this wine, i see that most people do not like it. i however did. try it yourself and let me know.
So my input on the winter stuff is, when my kids were small they would go out in the snow for a while come in and get warm and want to go back out soon after but the stuff is always still wet so you kind of need back up stuff of everything and make sure to have lots of extra mittens.
I don't like wine so I can't comment on that. haha
Karen :)
I love the Relax wine!!! Love it :) And I enjoy a glass of wine at night, and I fully expect to enjoy it even more after I have kids and therefore have to out them to bed :)
Actually come to think of it, I've never met a Reisling I didn't like... so WEINGUT P.J. VALCKENBERG come on over, I'm sure we'll be good friends!
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