Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

First we would like to say a huge "THANK YOU" to all the men and woman who have served and are serving our country. And to the families for supporting them each and everyday. We are grateful for each and every one of you!!!

Ben had the day off today so we loaded the boys up and headed to Newburyport for a Veteran's Day Parade. It was a small parade but very nice. They marched a few blocks to City Hall where the Mayor and some other officials gave some very nice speeches to honor our Armed Forces. The Newburyport marching band was there and did a great job with the Star-Spangled Banner and a few other songs. We even got to say the pledge lead by a local boyscout. It was very nice. The kids did awesome and looked so cute in their CG beanies and sweatshirts waving their little American Flags.

After Noah and I walked to Starbucks for a nice warm drink while Bryce and Dad drove back to the station. We hung out there for a little while longer then headed out to lunch in town. It was a great day! We hope everyone got to Thank a veteran today and remember everything they have done for us.

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