Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1st

Can anyone tell me where November went? Its now time to trim the tree, hang the stockings, place the lights and get ready for Santa to come. I guess I should get on putting the Halloween stuff away that has been piled up on 2 tables in the basement. This whole being pregnant with #3 is a lot more difficult then I thought it would be. Just trying to keep up with the "daily" cleaning and the boys has been enough to put me to bed by 9pm. But I'm happy to report that everything is going good with the baby. Had a few extra tests run the last couple of weeks due to some small problems but all checked out okay and I'm hoping for smooth sailing from here. We are down to 10 weeks till the little peanut arrives and still haven't picked a name. HMMMM

Other news, we had a great Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving vacation from school, work and cleaning. It was awesome to spend time at home with all 3 boys without having to do or go anywhere. We still had soccer on Saturday but that was about it. We played, laughed, cooked, did some "light" chores and just enjoyed us all being together. It was AWESOME!! It was hard to get back into things on Monday, Noah was late to school and we were late picking him up. Opps! But I think we might have it all figured out today.

December holds lots of fun Holiday things which I'm sure will mean less blogging updates. But I will try my best to post pictures as we go.

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