Monday, December 10, 2007

I don't see a problem, Do you???

So shell seems to think that the stache has gotta go. I don't see what she's talking about. Truth be told, I want to get rid of it too but am keeping it longer to see how bad she can complain about it. She swears that she is gonna cut it off when I sleep. We'll see if that happens.

I have gained a new found respect with this thing. People are like Whoa! Check that out. They love it. I get free coffee now. I get to use a big boy voice and people just think I'm for real. It's crazy the perks I am getting all over town. I even have people calling me Sir, would you like fries with that.

Bottom line. I'm a new person. It itches like crazy, it's still weird to get used too but I get mad respect cause of it.....
Check it out and you be the judge. How can you not like it.


Huston Family said...

They could be calling you Sir for a reason..... Like maybe they think you look really old.. LOL

Dad Molnar said...

Maybe Santa will bring you a razor!!

Amanda said...

I have no mercy - I'd just shave half of it in the night!

Coastie Family of 5 said...

UPDATE~ok just wanted to let everyone know he shaved it off!!! YIPEE!!!