I have gained a new found respect with this thing. People are like Whoa! Check that out. They love it. I get free coffee now. I get to use a big boy voice and people just think I'm for real. It's crazy the perks I am getting all over town. I even have people calling me Sir, would you like fries with that.
Bottom line. I'm a new person. It itches like crazy, it's still weird to get used too but I get mad respect cause of it.....
Check it out and you be the judge. How can you not like it.
They could be calling you Sir for a reason..... Like maybe they think you look really old.. LOL
Maybe Santa will bring you a razor!!
I have no mercy - I'd just shave half of it in the night!
UPDATE~ok just wanted to let everyone know he shaved it off!!! YIPEE!!!
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