Thursday, April 2, 2009

Running with Dad

The weather has gotten nice out to start running outside again. So when Ben gets home he changes out and goes for about a 4-5 mile run. Noah is always bugging to go with Dad. Well today Ben said he would take Noah with him. Noah was just so excited. Still in his Soccer stuff he felt he was ready to go. He did however need a beanie like Dad wears and was searching for his gloves. Dad told Noah it was nice enough outside that he didn't need either one. Ben and I finished talking when Noah came running downstairs all excited for Dad to come see what he did. We walk into our room and Noah had Dad's running stuff laid on the bed for him. "See Dad just like a puzzle" It was so cute! They got ready and off they went. Now Ben really didn't take him 5 miles they ran down to the stop sign and back. Noah had a huge smile on his face as they came running around the corner. He is now off playing with his buddy across the street.

We have Kindergarten Information Night tonight. They encourage younger kids to stay home with a sitter. Well thats not really an option for us so we are all going. Both Ben and I want to be there to see the school. I just hope I don't start crying already. After that its family shopping night. This will be something completely new to all of us. We do most our grocery shopping together just not this late at night. My boys are used to being in their jammies and having some sort of quite time by 645pm and Bryce is in bed by 7pm. After Soccer today I put Bryce down for a very late nap so I'm hoping it helps us out. Wish us luck!!!

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