Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Weekend

So Halloween was a lot different this year, but we still had a really good time. Not many people in the neighborhood joined in on the fun but that's okay. All the kids still had a good time walking around outside at night getting candy. And the weird thing is my kids got more candy then they ever did in Newport. People were handing out hand fulls and encouraging seconds. After TOTing we heading over to the neighbors for a bit.

Saturday Ben was up and outta the house by 6:30am. He had his 10k. I'm so very proud of him!! He ran it in an hour!! GO BEN!! He really had a great time and can't wait for the next one. He is looking into one closer to home at the end of the month. He won a raffle for a runner's ID bracelet and he was thrilled. Did I mention how proud I am of him? Ben also got his Steelers jersey in from my Dad on Saturday. I'm totally jealous cause he has the white away Jersey. It looks great, THANKS DAD! Saturday night I had a Creative Memories party to attend. Yes I got outta the house with no kids. I ended up leaving early cause I wasn't feeling very good. Thanks Shae for the short talk :)

Sunday we just hung out. With a whole extra hour in the day we got alot done. The kids got up at 6:30am which was fine cause I was up too. Weird, I know. We cleaned the basement and got most the Halloween decor put away. Then it was off to get some grocery's and home for football. Other then freezing my ass off every time I stepped outside it was great.

So that was our fun filled Halloween weekend. Here are a few pictures of the boys on Friday.


Shae Watson said...

They are too cute! And I was happy to help... 26 days!

Huston Family said...

YAY Ben!! Congrats! The boys look adorable!!!