Sunday, October 19, 2008


Okay its COLD! We woke up yesterday and it was freezing in this house. None the less we started getting ready for Soccer, left the house at 10:00am it was only 41 degrees outside. I couldn't believe we were getting in the truck and leaving to stand around outside. If it wasn't Noah's last day of Soccer I think I would have stayed home. Soccer went great and Noah is sad that it's over. But they reminded everyone that Basketball will start soon so he was fine with that. Some friends came over after Soccer and the kids all played outside. The adults were freezing their asses off but the kids could careless. I couldn't believe it. Soon the whole neighborhood was out, it was fun. Stacey couldn't wait to come down and ask if I had turned the heat on. She said when she woke up and saw it was 33 out she thought of us. For those who don't know I refuse to turn on the heat, I'm hoping I can make it till December 1st. Everyone tells me we will fill the tank at least 3 times this winter at 900 buck a pop I'm on strike. We do have the fireplace on and that seems to be doing the job for now. I also used Nurse Stacey skills to ask what she thinks about Bryce's ear. It started bleeding again yesterday. I'm almost sure this time he scratched the inside, Ben was driving his RC truck so he had his fingers in his ears. But I will keep watching it. And Noah was dying to talk with Santa last night. Thank the stars he was their and was able to put a smile on my 4 year olds face. (Thanks Uncle Matt) It took him a second to understand what was going on, I even got the "I'm sorry you have the wrong number" He is funny.

Dad ended up heading into work last night. We are hoping he gets home before 4:00 on Monday. The weather started picking up so we will see. The boys and I will head down sometime today and enjoy the heat at the station with Dad....haha. Okay it's not that cold in our house.


Amanda said...

Santa enjoyed talking to Noah very much ;-)

You are going to freeze if you wait until December you crazy lady. Your pipes might even freeze. It frequently snows in November too.

I can't wait to see pics of your boys in the snow!

Coastie Family of 5 said...

SHHH we don't talk about snow in November. I don't think Im ready for the winter yet.